Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Intrinsic or extrinsic motivation

Lim discusses the pros and cons of using extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Which do you think is predominantly used in Singapore? What do you think are the impacts on the Singapore society of using such a mode of motivation?

Singapore uses extrinsic motivation more than intrinsic motivation. This is not only seen in the economic sector, but policies on education, family and etc and mostly based on such motivations. Intrinsic motivation may not be as powerful as the opposite as the the value of purpose and experience are often diminished in such a materialistic enviroment. As such, policies have proven to be effective because of the persuasive power of money. In the short term, extrinsic motivation are more effective. However, in the long run, extrinsic movitation are more harmful than benificial.

Social psychologists have observed a phenomenon known as 'the hidden cost of reward', in which external incentives can actually cut away at people's inner motivation for doing what they consider worthwhile.

For example, Singapore places monetary rewards for students who excel in the academic performance. Such baits for students may boost the standard of students. However, it moulds them into a materialistic worker whose motivation is only money. Study should be for knowledge and not for wealth.

However, extrinsic motivation may not work at sometime where intrinsic motivation may work. For example, the goverment provides incentives for people to have children, But, The monetary incentives have not proved to be effective. On the other hand, when the goverment was discouraging having large families, its emphasised on intrinsic motivation which was successful till the extent that it had to be reversed. Thus i feel that singapore is dominated by extrinsic values and its is onli effective for short run purposes.

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