Monday, July 14, 2008

Do you think it is ever right for one country to be involved in the internal affairs of another?

In my opinion, i believe that a country should not be involved in the internal affairs of another unless there is strong humanitarian reason or permission for the countries to intervened in the business of another. Although the humanitarian factor maybe subjective, the motivation to embroil in foreign affairs are not of self-interest.

In my opinion, countries are entitled to the privacy of solving their own domestic issue. Afterall, thats the purpose of the elected constitution. The goverment should be given the chance to handled their internal affairs. However, World bodies such as the United Nations and the European Union are right to intervene if the situation is unable to be suppress by the goverment. For example, the cyclone nargis issue in Myanmar was getting out of hand, yet the military goverment persist on rejecting aids offered by the world bodies. As a result, an estimated 1.5 million burmese were unable to to recieve aid and were left suffering. This was due to the inability of the goverment to solve pressing issues, thus other countries should have the rights to recrify such problems instead. In such events, i believe that a country has a right to be involve in the internal affairs of another because of the inabiltity of the local goverment to solve the issue.

Humanitarian factors should also be considered when discussing the rights of intervention. Citizens may be suffering due to the inept of the goverment, yet they lack the rights and power to call for change. For example, the Tutsi in the rwanda genocides were being prosecuted by the majority hutus and the goverment. The UN was right to intervene but was not allowed to as the Rwanda goverment did not allow them to. As a result, an estimated 1 million people died in the civil war. As seen, countries are right to intervene in the affair of another country and it may provide aid and protection to the suppress citizens in the country.

Grace touched that the countries are right to intervene if only their methods of intervention are appropriate. For example, i believe that the americans were right to intervene in iraq as the Iraqis were suffering under the regime of Saddam Hussein. However, their method of intervention was wrong as it generated more casualties instead of solving the problem. Thus the countries are right to intervene if they can really help the other country.

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